Lampeter-Strasburg Marching Band
A Tradition of Quality ... a Commitment to Excellence

Happy Fall! Perfect Pots is super excited to collaborate with the L-S High School Marching Band this season for an awesome fundraiser event! The greenhouse is bursting with amazing blooms, fragrance and colors, as well as festive decor. On Saturday, October 3rd through Saturday, October 10th Perfect Pots Container Gardens & Greenhouse will host a fundraiser to benefit the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Marching Band. Bring your friends, neighbors, and family to shop our beautiful selection of plants, pots, garden décor, & much more while supporting the L-SMB. Fifteen percent (15%) of the total cost (before tax) of your greenhouse purchase and ten percent (10%) of any gift cards purchased will go directly to L-SFH.
WHERE: Perfect Pots Container Gardens & Greenhouse, 745 Strasburg Pike Strasburg, PA
WHEN: Saturday, October 3rd through Saturday, October 10th
HOW: Click the link below to download the flyer and bring it with you.
2022 Perfect Pots Fundraiser L-SMB.pdf
127.27 K | 9/22/2022
Tag Day 2022
The Biggest Fundraiser of the Year

Support the L-S Marching Band's Tag Day Fundraiser!
For decades, trumpeters and twirlers, drummers and drum majors, have canvassed the Lampeter-Strasburg School District on a hot Saturday in August to collect donations to support a marching band program that has won state championships and, more recently, pioneered a non-competitive coalition of Lancaster County bands that brings thousands of students together to support each other at festivals each fall.
On Saturday, August 27, band members will place a postcard and envelope on the doors of L-S residents rather than knock on the door to have a conversation. The postcards will have a photo of a band member along with some reflections on how the band program has impacted him or her. The community will be asked to consider making a donation either by mailing a check or using PayPal to contribute online. In either case, the donation is fully tax deductible and will help to support the band in purchasing instruments and flags, designing its show, and performing for the community.
For more information about the band, readers may visit lsmarchingband.org or contact Mr. Larry Royer, the band's director, via email: larry_royer@l-spioneers.org.
Contact LS Marching Band Boosters with any questions you may have.
WHO: The Lampeter-Strasburg Marching Band
WHAT: Annual Tag Day fundraiser
WHEN: Saturday, August 27 throughout the day
WHERE: Your front door
WHY: To support the band in purchasing instruments, designing its show, and performing for the community
HOW: Donate by sending a check in the envelope that arrives at your door or via PayPal (instructions will be included on the postcard)
Lampeter-Strasburg Marching Band
Band Boosters
P.O. Box 428
Lampeter, PA 17537-0428
CONTACT: Mr. Larry Royer, Band Director: larry_royer@l-spioneers.org